Thursday, September 18, 2008

on the other side of the wall


I was in the office for about 5 hours today because one of my religion course was cancelled. .. so I got a lot of work down today.. .

today was just prep work for our first weekend trip to Ensenada.
-I called the orphanage that we will be helping out to confirm that they know that they are aware that college students are headed down there in about two weeks.
- I sent out emails to all the participants stating when the money is due, Sept.24.
- I ran some errands for Josh and Jaime.. home depot .. check request.. .. filling. .. busy work that needed to be done.

F. Y. I
I am so excited for this trip because we have a total of 18 students coming along!! it's a record.. we have never had so many students interested in the weekend trips. I am so excited ")

I'm just a little anxious and nervous about the trip.. i just hope everyone will enjoy themselves.. ill leave it in the Lord's hands. .. :)

1 comment:

retro said...

