Saturday, September 20, 2008

the secret garden

Yesterday. I worked like a mad woman, from 9 am-4:30pm

Things that I did. ..

-I typed up a payment tracking excel spread sheet. This will keeps us organized for weeks to come on finances, supplies, number of people that will be attending the trip. We have a total of about 25 people coming along. I'm so excited and anxious.. this is the largest group we have taken to Mexico for one weekend. I truly hope God will meet each person at where they're at...

-After the payment tracking Josh and I were on a quest to find out who will be coming to our trip .. We went to Kilm Ulm's office, Liz's office, and called some friends that were interested in coming along.. We finally got all the numbers settled.

-After the exhausting walks through Vanguard.. we had a team meeting, unrelated to Mexico. We are starting to plan out Missions Week.. man oh man.. is that going to be some work..
After the meeting.. I ate lunch with two of my favorite people.. christinie winnie and josh harrison..
.. . an hour later..
i got back to work..

I sent out a mass email to the students that will be going to Mexico..about some logistic we need to handle before we head out. One of them is a meeting on friday, sept. 26, during activity hour. At this meeting we will be talking about our trip, what we expect to happen, things we will be doing.. stuff like that.. and people will get to mingle. that's always fun..

After finishing up the email.. i called the orphanage we were going to be at .. and found out terrible news .. we had too many people coming along.. they were just expecting 10-12 students.. and now we have to find another location to send the rest of the students.. i am kind of nervous about this situation, but I know we will come up with somethink sick.. ..

After this headache faded away.. Josh and I began writing up a to do list before the trip.. it is not that intense .. I think it all can be done.

.. the day got a lot better too!! one of my good friends.. mabelinne came over from the IE and we had a splendid evenign..

hurray for gardens...