Monday, September 29, 2008

My GOD is good to me..

I worked for about 8 hours on Friday, September 26 one day before our first Ensenada weekend trip. That day was so freaking crazy.. we did all the shopping for supplies and food, confirmed vans, people's attendance, numbers, insurance plans, weather.. blah.. blah... And on that day we also found out that 8 people dropped from our trip.. and that threw us a huge curve ball, just because we had already made all the calculations for 25 people. . that really sucked. . One of the biggest lesson I learned from that trip was that people are flakes.. little harsh i know.. but as leaders we must be prepared for anything.. oh flexibility.. thats a gift.. .. (my biggest pet peeve)

Anyhow.. enough. .. about that ..
It's now Saturday morning.. I wake up at 6AM and head out to the Outreach office at 6:30 am . We load the vans.. double check individual's forms, get some breakfast .. we head out..
.. the drive to Ensenada was sooo bad.. we were stuck in traffic for about 8 hrs. .during that wait we sang soo many songs.. shout out to Shaun.. an amazing DJ.. but.. I still was going nuts.. the reason for all the traffic was because there was an annual BIKE race from TJ to Ensenada.. giving cars one to two lanes to drive on.. it was horrible.. I never want to see another bike in my life..
.. we arrive at our site.. real late.. we get there at 3PM.. we were suppose to be there at 1PM.. now our schedules are all messed up.. but it's ok.. we were a flexible bunch... half of us head to an orphanage and the others to a church site..
... I went to the church site.. it was pretty amazing.. there we meet up withe pastor.. headed up to his little mission.. We gather some street kids.. sang some church songs.. performed a skit.. did a fun arts and crafts.. and we played an intense game of soccer.. i mean intense.. so intense that we all sweating through our shirts.. got some cuts and bruises.. fun times..
... it was around 6:30ish that we arrive to our camp grounds.. we cleaned up and headed to down town ensenada for some dinner. . .man we scarfed down a bunch of chicken.. It was soo good..
. .. after a night of fun.. we headed back to our camp ground..we played an intense game of mafia.. Oh my goodness... loads of fun.. after many games.. a group pf us stayed up really late talking and everything.. I was getting really sleepy.. but i was a trooper and stuck with it..

sunday morning came really quickly .. we had a devotion given by Josh Harrison.. i like saying people's last names.. anyway.. man.. was it one the life-changing devotions.. so.. it was a very basic concepts about our Christian belief.. but the way this man used his words.. were so penetrating... the devotion was about God's beauty.. God's worthiness to be praised and worshiped.. and how we only see a glimpse of it.. a mere whisper of his awesomeness... it just really hit me and my walk with God. i don't really want to write about it.. i apologize for that ..
.. so after our morning devotionals we had to church.. we attend Pastor Juan's church.. it was soo good.. it reminded me of Guatemala.. and the sweet time I had over there.. anyhow.. a few of our team members played worship.. Josh harisson preached.. and i gave my testimony.. i told my freinds my life story.. and where the Lord has taken me from.. this is really hard for me because i find it to be real personal thing i hold.. but i just felt that i should share it.. and i did. and it was amazing.. and i felt God moving. and i want to feel that feeling again... and again.. i never want to fade away like the rest of the feelings and emotions that i have.. i want God to be infinite in my life...


so.. we are now in the border line.. waiting for about 5 hrs.. going crazy once again..
we arrive at VU around 8pm.. we clean up the vans.. and head to our rooms..

I went to bed at 10.. amazing rest.. God given rest..

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