Friday, October 3, 2008


.. work..
I practically worked everyday for about 4 hours.
. work .. . good stuff.. .
.. this week was pretty crazy. .. it was Mission Week here at VU.. we had so many stuff to do this week..
.. on Tuesday we Andrew richey speak.. man. he is such a passionate individual for Christ.. for missions.. for people.. He is a man of God.
... . we also set up a prayer walk.. all over campus.. it gave students an opportunity to pray for missions, missionaries, orphans, widows, oppressed people, our nation, our world, and our very own community..
.. on Wednesday we had a parade of nations.. we had students walk through the chapel aisles and hold an international flag..a pretty amazing visual.. and last minute my boss asked me if i would speak in front of the entire student body about my family's origin.. and how the Lord has been faithful in my life.. it was nerve wrecking.. i was emotional.. i always get very emotional every time i speak about my family ..
.. on Thursday we had a bunch of workshops so that students can be able to have practical things at hand in terms of involvement with missions.. towards the evening we had a huge reception .. international food. .. my friends and i cooked most of the food.. it wasn't too bad. ..
.. lastly.. on Friday we had an informational meeting about the mission trips we will be taking this summer..
personally. I'm interested in going on a 2month mission trips to Africa.. knowing that this trip can ultimately flipped my plans upside down.. .

this weekend is going to great.

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