Saturday, March 27, 2010

apple trees :)


I'm going to buy my airplane ticket tomorrow!! yay :) I just need to talk to my abuelita and the school I'm going to be volunteering for :) If everything is a GO!! Guatemala here I come!!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

C. S Lewis Paper

.. This is my last semester at VU!! I'm so excited to finish my undergraduate career. Looking forward to the future... But before I finish this chapter in my life. I have to pass my capstone.. Media Crit. No big deal- Most seniors have a heavy load/dreadful class.

I'm attempting to write a 10pg. paper.. . but I'm having a difficult time to concentrate. story of my life. It's a good book.. It's called the Abolition of Man- written by the genius C.S Lewis. He is a beast. Again, my faith, the Absolute Truth is re-affirmed in my life.

. Raw almonds.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Finals Week :)

So. It's finals week and I feel good :) I still have to write two papers and take two exams.. but I feel that my entire head is above water, compared to other semesters.. haha.. but the end of this semester is days away and I can't wait to spend some quality time with my family and friends.

Today, my mom gave me a call- when I was hiding in the library working on a Gender Paper: (Intersex individuals and their gender identity. This topic is so mind blowing.) Anyway, she is the cutest mother ever, she called to tell me that my dad and my sister are coming to Vanguard to drop off some fruit. (they know that i enjoy eating food)umm.. yummy. apples, bananas, melon, watermelon.. its their own way of being active in my life. They know how to make me feel warm and fuzzy..

I love my family.. Thank you Jesus for great parents.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

knots in my stomach.

so. tomorrow morning I will be meeting with my pastor- Isaac Canales. He is such an awesome person. but anyway. at 6:30 AM i will be driving down the 405 to have my first "mentor meeting/session/one-on-one/whatever" (i'm not sure what you call it) but im excited. It's such a privilege to be able to learn from this Godly man. We are going to go through books of the Bible and he will teach some things that he has learn throughout his life. shoots. I'm excited. I want to learn.. become a better person..woman.. and Christian.

i just hope i dont get there late. ha.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


I was living under the assumption that I was going to stay an extra semester at VU through a study abroad program-
-yesterday- i found out that I only need 13 units to finish my college career-so I can't stay an extra semester. boo.. ( basically my financial aid can't cover it because I don't technically need the extra semester)

What will I do? I have so many options...
1. Apply to a Nursing School in the East Coast (Boston) I want to become a midwife or a nurse so that I can better serve people around the world-not only bringing them Truth, but also meeting their physical needs.

2. Apply to USC for a MSW

3. Join the Peace Corps

4. Head to South America- Join a missionary for a long term commitment. My motto: Go big or go home.

5. Stick around in Carson...

Now- I will be praying and seeking God's will for my life...

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


I really enjoy this quote.. .

Once I press myself into action, I immediately begin to live. Anything less is merely existing. The momens I truly live re the moments when I act with my entire will..

-My utmost for his highest..

Monday, November 2, 2009

i miss my brothers and sisters.. .

SO. Lately I haven't been hanging out with my siblings. I have been doing a lot things with my friends from VU and from back at home.(RARE- I haven't been spending quality time with my brothers and sisters. )I miss them a lot. And today it hit me the hardest. At the caf I saw a brother and a sister eating dinner, one of my friends only tagged her family on a note she wrote on facebook, in my interpersonal class we were talking about how our parent's parenting technique shapes our gender identity.But I would have to argue that my siblings played a larger role in my gender identity, oh and I guess the Holiday Season is around the corner and that always stirs up feelings..

Anyway, I am going home this Wednesday. Hopefully i get to see my brothers (especially. )