Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Finals Week :)

So. It's finals week and I feel good :) I still have to write two papers and take two exams.. but I feel that my entire head is above water, compared to other semesters.. haha.. but the end of this semester is days away and I can't wait to spend some quality time with my family and friends.

Today, my mom gave me a call- when I was hiding in the library working on a Gender Paper: (Intersex individuals and their gender identity. This topic is so mind blowing.) Anyway, she is the cutest mother ever, she called to tell me that my dad and my sister are coming to Vanguard to drop off some fruit. (they know that i enjoy eating food)umm.. yummy. apples, bananas, melon, watermelon.. its their own way of being active in my life. They know how to make me feel warm and fuzzy..

I love my family.. Thank you Jesus for great parents.

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