Friday, October 23, 2009

the museum of tolerance

..Today. A group of friends and I headed to LA! Our destination the Museum of Tolerance. If you haven't been there-make it a priority and GO- I feel its a great venue that inspires.. very in your face.. kinda of a deal. .encourages.. and gives hope.. well for me..

I was walking through this museum.. looking at old Nazi uniform, watching films, reading about ordinary people changing the world..( From a 16 year-old boy in Poland feeding Jews that we were hiding in the forest during the time of the Holocaust.. to this woman surviving the Holocaust and sharing her story with all of us.. ) Yes. of course I cried.. I'm a big baby. It's heart breaking to see human beings.. mothers. father.. nanas.. little sisters.. brothers.. aunts and tia.. abuelitos.. and abuelitas. ates. .hermanos.. suffering.. all because one man thought He was better than everyone, filled with greed, ambition, need for control and power, corrupt, heartless, self-centered, proud, envious, confused, undergoing a crisis identity- a man who needed to reminded that He is a child of God..

Shoot. I don't know who and what I would be doing if Christ wasn't my best-friend.. gah. I would probably be in his shoes..

anyway. i dont want to sound crazy.. but this week by far has been filled with so many inspirational people, places, idea, etc...


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