Wednesday, October 21, 2009

I'm back... inspired..

So. It has been a looong time.. I usually use the excuse- that i am way too busy to write a blog.. but i got sick yesterday and I have no energy to do any homework or hangout with people. so im hiding in my room.. thinking.. writing.. praying. reminiscing. blah.blah. i have this sexy voice.. i love it. its raspy. .. i want to go sing :) i was calling business services at VU.. oh my goodness it took me about 5 times calling the switchboard to get a hold of the clerk. i was so frustrated.. but my day got a lot better after i spoke with the clerk. She said i have a credit.. i should pick up my check if i want to-H&M here i come.. .so after i picked up my check.. i begin thinking.. why does this paper make me soo happy?? how come it changes my mood so quickly?? Gah. It pays bills. Pumps gas in my car. Reliefs some financial stres. So when its all gone? what then? I think. Why can't I just be satisfied with simplicity. Why do I need that extra jacket? when the fall line comes in-what then?so that got me thinking.. I'll keep you posted..

so. after eating dinner with some sweet girls.. i saw mona lisa smile.. oh.. julia roberts..beautifully talented.. i felt so inspired.. motivated.. but my body was saying DONT get up. so i will wait until my body can function.. ha.

..but im ready to be a world changer.. revolutionist. join me??

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