Wednesday, November 5, 2008


I worked for about 4 hours.

We just receive about 25 checks from parents for the finals week fundraiser.. It is looking really good :)

The Children's Christmas Party is really good. We are ahead of our timeline. We are just finishing up the Christmas ornaments. Now we are working on the video we will be launching on November 18.

Mexico. I just sent out emails to the people who submitted applications for the last weekend trip . We have about 10 people coming alongside with us. I am so excited. For the most part it is new students that are interested in getting involve..

I am filling in my boss with detail information about our spring break trip. Little nerve wrecking, i hope she likes how i am organizing the trip.

Also, today I will be working on inputting data for the finals week fundraiser.. basically a payment tracking.. fun .. fun.. lol

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