Monday, November 3, 2008


So. These past few weeks have been flying by F A S T... .
I have been working on the Finals Week Fundraiser and the Children's Christmas Party.

The finals fundraiser is one of our biggest fundraiser that our office has for the entire year. It consist of the Event Coordinator making goodie bags for the families that wish to give their daughter/son a survival bag for finals. As of right now, the Fundraiser is going very well. We have receive about 14 checks from student's parents so far.. and we just sent out the letter about 5 days ago. We are off in a good start.

The Children's Christmas Party has also taking up most of my office time because I have been making Christmas ornaments, sent our support letters, contact the fire department, ordered a Santa Claus suit, and trying to come up with creative ideas to capture the student body's attention, so that they can get involve with the Christmas Party.

Now, my specialty MEXICO.

This Saturday and Sunday we will be headed off to our last weekend trip to Mexico for the semester. We are headed to a church site, Pastor Silvia's church. We plan to have a bible lesson, arts and crafts, fun activities, and ofcourse some soccer games!!!

Tomorrow, we will make an announcement during chapel and send a mass email to the entire student body.

Actually, today, Christine made an announcement at a Spanish class for our trip. Jaime Brownlee agreed that she will give extra credit for the students that attend this trip. So that's an incentive. We will see who will come out of that class.

Last Thursday, we had our first Hands Across The Border (HATB) student leader committe meeting. It was Awesome. We just began planning our SPRING BREAK trip to Mexico. Josh an I carefully hand-picked people for our trip. OH. I made some sweet binders for them. I love them. They have the agendas for the meetings,

Here are the f0llowing people:

Pubilicity: Fula and Joe
Team Leader Coordinator: Christine and Elise
Campgrounds: Krystle
Worship: Cecilee and Mabel
Director: ME
BOSS: Josh

The group is TIGHT!! We all get along oh so well.

We will be having our next meeting next Thursday at the Cafe. I give people assigments for the two weeks.

We will see how it goes from there. The people are great. I'm stocked!!

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