Saturday, March 27, 2010

apple trees :)


I'm going to buy my airplane ticket tomorrow!! yay :) I just need to talk to my abuelita and the school I'm going to be volunteering for :) If everything is a GO!! Guatemala here I come!!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

C. S Lewis Paper

.. This is my last semester at VU!! I'm so excited to finish my undergraduate career. Looking forward to the future... But before I finish this chapter in my life. I have to pass my capstone.. Media Crit. No big deal- Most seniors have a heavy load/dreadful class.

I'm attempting to write a 10pg. paper.. . but I'm having a difficult time to concentrate. story of my life. It's a good book.. It's called the Abolition of Man- written by the genius C.S Lewis. He is a beast. Again, my faith, the Absolute Truth is re-affirmed in my life.

. Raw almonds.